Mr Altaf Mangera
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Altaf Mangera is a Consultant Urologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer working at the Princess Royal Spinal Cord Injuries Centre and Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield. He graduated, with Honours, from the University of Sheffield, Faculty of Medicine in 2005. He was the first scholar ever to be awarded a two year fellowship from the Urology foundation and has subsequently completed his M.D. thesis in the field of tissue engineering for stress urinary incontinence.
His fellowship was undertaken in Pitie Salpetriere Paris, University hospitals Leuven and Balgrist University hospital Zurich. He has authored 15 book chapters and published 74 journal articles. He continues with ongoing research trials and his specialist interests include reconstructive urology, neuropathic bladder, tissue engineering, Andrology, male sexual dysfunction and fertility.