Visitor Information
The support of family and friends is invaluable to anyone adjusting to life with a spinal cord injury.
As a leading spinal cord injury centre, we recognise that the support of family and friends is invaluable to anyone adjusting to life with a spinal cord injury.
However, we also recognise that you may have many questions about spinal cord injuries and how this may impact on your friend or loved one, the importance of rehabilitation and how your friend and loved one is going to adjust in the days, months and years after the injury.
This is why we offer extensive opportunities for you to get involved in their ongoing care and rehabilitation, including training courses so that you can learn more about spinal cord injury and the changes that your loved one or friend is adjusting to.
There are also many supporting activities that we run for our patients, which you are actively encouraged to join in on.
Visiting hours
Osborn 1
Visiting Hours: 8am-8pm
Osborn 2
Visiting Hours: 8am-8pm
Osborn 3
Visiting Hours: 8am-8pm
Please do not bring fresh flowers and potted plants into the hospital as our patients are more prone to infection. If you want to buy flowers, please send these to your friend or relative’s home instead after discharge.
How you can help us
When visiting, we ask that you help our staff and other patients by:
- Visiting when you are well. If you are unwell, or have been unwell, you should only visit if you have been free of any symptoms for 48 hours before coming to the ward. This includes coughs, colds, infectious rashes, vomiting and diarrhoea
- Limit the number of visitors to a bed, 2 at a time only (unless special permission has been agreed with the sister/charge nurse for different visiting arrangements)
- Use the alcohol hand rub provided to clean and wash hands before and after visiting. Alcohol hand rub dispensers can be found at the entrance to all our wards, patient rooms and at the end of each bed
- Only sit on the chairs provided for visitors. Do not sit on the patient's bed or chair
- Use designated visitor toilets instead of patients’ toilets. Wash and dry your hands after visiting the toilet.
- Avoid sharing your relative’s toiletries, tissues etc or items of hospital equipment with other patients unless it has been approved by a member of the nursing team
- Please do not eat food provided to the patient by the hospital
- Please do not bring children under the age of 12 into the Centre without prior discussion with the nurse in charge
Protected mealtimes
All visitors will be politely asked to leave the ward at mealtimes, except carers helping with meals. This gives our patients the opportunity to eat without interruption and allows our Nursing Staff to monitor and help patients to meet their nutritional needs, which can be vital to their well-being and recovery. You can see the times of meals on the poster at the entrance to the ward where protected mealtimes are applicable. If carers would like to help their relative or friend at mealtimes this would be welcomed by staff.
How can carers help?
- If you would like to help your relative or friend at mealtimes this would be welcomed by staff.
- Otherwise, please visit your relative or friend at an alternative time to the ward mealtimes.
- Visitors can use this time to get refreshments. There is a coffee shop/snack bar on the ground floor, and dining room or local eating places nearby.
- If possible, please do not telephone the ward for information during these times, so that staff can concentrate on helping the patients.
- If you have any worries or concerns, please speak to the nurse in change.
Smokefree site
The Princess Royal Spinal Cord Injuries Centre is proud to be a smokefree site. This means patients, visitors and staff cannot smoke in our buildings or on our grounds (vaping is permitted to support those using it as an aid to quit smoking tobacco). As a leading expert in cancer care, we also support anyone visiting or working in our Centre who wants to stop smoking.
Contact Yorkshire Smokefree for support to quit smoking:
- 0800 6120011 (free from landlines)
- 0330 6601166 (free from most mobiles)
Facilities within PRSCIC and at the Northern General Hospital
Catering facilities
- A café and vending machines are available in the PRSCIC entrance foyer
- There are other cafes and restaurants at the Northern General Hospital main site
Shops & cash machines
- There are other shops and a cash machine at the Northern General Hospital main site
WiFi access & additional facilities
Free guest Wi-Fi wireless internet access is available to all our patients, staff and visitors. The WiFi network is called "Guest-WiFi". To use the WiFi, please read and accept the terms and conditions when prompted by your device. Please note we are unable to provide technical support for patient and visitor devices. For troubleshooting support visit
Parking Arrangements
Parking at the Northern General Hospital can be extremely limited at busy times and so we encourages visitors to consider using alternative means of getting to the site such as public transport where feasible. We appreciate, however, that this isn’t always possible for everyone.
There is a pay and display car park adjacent to the Centre which includes some dedicated Blue Badge parking bays. More information about parking charges, can be found here, and information on how to reach us can be found on our How to find us page.
Visitors to patients who are likely to be on one of our wards for an extended period of time are able to request a concessionary pass, entitling them to reduced weekly parking charges. For more information, or for an application form, please speak to the Ward Clerk on the ward you are visiting.
Visitors’ Accommodation
We have six dedicated rooms for overnight visitor accommodation. If your relative is admitted to one of our wards, you may be able to book one of these single-occupancy rooms for an overnight stay. Rooms are booked on a first-come-first-served basis, but please be aware that priority may be given to relatives of our younger patients.
The current price per room is £25.00 per night.
The rooms are equipped with basic furniture, a sink, kettle and telephone (for internal calls, such as to the ward), and there are two shared shower rooms. There is a kettle in each room and tea, coffee and milk provided. Basic bedding and towels are also provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
We may be able to provide a fold-out bed in the room for an additional guest, but please note that children under the age of 12 are not permitted to stay overnight.
All of our hospitals and buildings, including the Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Centre, are smokefree and no pets are allowed in the centre.
If you would like to book a room or have any questions, please contact Debbie Jackson 01142715667 or Shaunie Biggins on 0114 2715609.
How to find us
To find us click here