The Spinal Injury Therapy Department offers a service to acute, rehabilitation and readmission patients. The Spinal Injuries Therapy Department includes both occupational and physiotherapy treatment areas.

The therapists form part of the enthusiastic and well-motivated interdisciplinary team involved in all aspects of the lifelong management of spinal cord injury patients. The team members work collaboratively in the assessment and management of patients.

The Occupational Therapy Department includes:

  • main treatment area
  • assessment kitchen, bathroom and bedroom
  • networked computer room
  • wood workshop
  • garden

There is a flat on site where patients may have the option of an overnight or weekend stay with family or friends to help gain confidence before their first visit home.
There is a therapy car for practising getting in and out of and for taking patients on home visits if required.

The Physiotherapy Department includes:

  • treatment gym
  • hydrotherapy pool
  • seating clinic with pressure mapping equipment

There is a sports hall, snooker room and weights room on site which we have access to for group therapy sessions.
The spinal injury physiotherapy department also offers an outpatient review service. Patients can be offered a one-to-one session for advice and education or can be readmitted with consultant approval, for 1 to 2 weeks if further rehabilitation goals have been identified.

If you would like to speak to a member of the team about our services or for further information about the therapy department please contact us.

Lead Therapist
Claire Trask
Tel 0114 2715674

Respiratory Extended Scope Practitioner
Tel 0114 2715673 - Bleep 2732 (via main hospital switch board)

Clinical Specialists
Lucy Greensmith - Occupational Therapy Lead
Rachael Jones - Inpatient Physiotherapy Lead
Vicki Middleton - Inpatient Physiotherapy Lead
Paul Whitehill - Outpatient Physiotherapy Lead
Tel 0114 2715673

Therapy guidance for the management of SCI patients at referring hospital



Patient information Leaflets: