Spinal Urology Team
The Spinal Urology team manage your urological care and follow up. We have a number of surgical beds allocated within the unit.
We encourage patients to contact the Urology Nurses if you are having problems with your bladder, bowels or sexual function.
We will be able to:
- Organise investigations
- Provide telephone advice
- Face to face outpatient clinics to discuss urological/bowelmanagement options/strategies
- Counselling for surgery
- Education information
- Waiting list information
- We can liaise with your GP, District nurses and other members of your care team on your behalf.

Mr Altaf Mangera MBChB (Hons), MD, FRCS (Urol), FEBU
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Marie Watson
Lead Urology Nurse Specialist
Tel: 0114 2266823

Cecilia Tawiah
Urology Nurse Specialist
Tel: 0114 2715624

Naomi Heathcote
Urology Nurse Specialist
Tel: 0114 2715944 /0114 2267368